
5632756537_9014540a2e_bKnowledge work endeavors such as software development projects seem anything but clear when in process. One can demand all the detailed status reports, stakeholder update meetings, and reassurances in the world, but clarity around project status seems as elusive as ever. Software project reports don’t seem to reflect reality.

KanFlow recommends a different approach to software development governance–one that is orientated toward demonstrated performance, not wishful thinking. Before other improvements can be implemented, a minimum level of clarity must be achieved.

Stakeholders should seek clarity and answers to questions like these:

  • It shouldn’t take this long, what has the team been working on all this time?
  • Our planning is always way off.  What can we do to give our customers and partners better timelines?
  • Do the product owner and the team have a clear understanding of which constraint should be negotiated first? Scope, cost, or time?